Step FM 99.8


About Step FM 99.8

The station transmits for two days a week. Step FM 99.8 will finally impress you with their amazing music, which is largely sung by brilliant independent musical artists such Bill Lewis, Roger Moon, Michael Waid, and many more. Step FM 99.8 will satisfy you with their high-quality music production.

More Information

Tune in to Step FM 99.8, the station that broadcasts for two days a week, delivering top-class music that will surely please your ears. Step FM 99.8 is dedicated to showcasing the talents of independent musical artists, featuring tracks by notable musicians like Bill Lewis, Roger Moon, Michael Waid, and many others. Whether you're a fan of contemporary hits or looking for something new and exciting, Step FM 99.8 promises to entertain you with their exceptional production and a diverse selection of music. Embrace the music journey with Step FM 99.8 and discover a world of great tunes and talented artists.



Language: Swahili


Contact Number: +256 7725 01471

Address: Mbale,UGANDA

Step FM 99.8